Dave’s Story – A New Boom Unit Video

This video was produced in Calgary, Alberta, for Mofilm and Mountain Dew. It’s a branded content piece about Dave Guiry, of the Calgary Inferno wheelchair rugby team.

Paralyzed in an ATV accident, Dave’s life was at a crossroads. A chance encounter with an old friend introduced Dave to wheelchair rugby – a hard-hitting, full-contact sport created specifically for quadriplegic athletes. Reigniting a passion he thought he had lost, Dave wills himself to the highest levels of the sport, and dedicates his life to helping others rediscover the same passion. “We Are What We Dew” is about pushing through adversity and finding the will to compete. And having a damn good time doing it.

Co-Produced, Directed, Edited and DOP’d by Paul SG Boyd

Produced by Boom Unit Video , located in Toronto, Ontario.


About the author

A dad and professional in the film business, occasional music video and commercial director, cinemagraph creator and recent developer of the iOS App, Toys Away! Snow Today! Living and working in Toronto, Ontario.