Take Your Kids – South Africa Travel Video Production

Queen Of The Jungle

This travel video production represents a triumph for me, not only because contains some pretty great footage, but also in that my wife and I were both able to travel with our two small children, AND I was able to shoot a small video & some impressive photography during the trip.

Having kids, for many people, becomes a reason to stay at home, because it’s easier. I must confess, even during the trip to South Africa, I was nervous about our 31 hour travel from Toronto to Cape Town, and expected about 29 hours of screaming. To my relief, my kids were great, and they proved to me that travel is an important experience for people of all ages.

Artist: Paul SG Boyd
Title: Take Your Kids – South Africa
Director: Paul SG Boyd
Production Agency: Mad Hunt Media Inc.

About the author

A dad and professional in the film business, occasional music video and commercial director, cinemagraph creator and recent developer of the iOS App, Toys Away! Snow Today! Living and working in Toronto, Ontario.

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